Electronic devices are built on a foundation of essential components, each performing specific roles that contribute to the overall functionality. This explores these core component, how they are made, and who produces them.

Passive Components • Resistors, capacitors, and inductors. • Filters: High-pass and low-pass. Active Components • Transistors: MOSFETs, BJTs, IGBTs. • Diodes: Rectifiers, Zener, LEDs. Displays • OLED vs LCD vs e-ink. • Touchscreens: Capacitive vs resistive.

Actuators • Motors (DC, stepper, brushless), servos, and linear actuators. • Pneumatics: Using compressed air for movement.

Power - Batteries, Generation, and Regulation

Passive Components - Resistors, Capacitors, etc

the basics

Basic Electronics

3. Active Components

Active components control the flow of electricity and amplify or switch electronic signals. Their operation is based on the behavior of charge carriers (electrons and holes) in semiconductor materials.

3.1 Transistors

3.2 Diodes